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A single female house fly can lay up to 500 eggs over the span of just three to four days.


Learn More About Flies

These insects are part of the diptera order, which comes from the Greek words "di" meaning two, and "ptera" meaning wings. Other species of flying insects that belong to this group include mosquitoes and fungus gnats. They do well in the hot and humid climate of Singapore, which is tropical all year round.

As a result, they are amongst the most common pests found flies in Singapore. Adult house fly musca domestica carries bacteria and transmit diseases. They carry bacteria, that spread diseases risking public health that may lead to serious illnesses. This occurs when a bacteria is transfers to solid food through their saliva from wherever food waste it has picked it up from.

A few type of treatment methods available to tackle flying pest infestation problem. Getting a Professional Fly Pest Control Services is your best bet to rid of your fly problem permanently.

1 Step 1

Lifecycle, Diet & All

Fly Characteristic

They go through 4 stages before becoming an adult: Eggs, fly larvae, pupa and finally, an adult. 

Learn to Know When you Will Need Flies Control Services

Signs of Fly Infestation

A problem that no one should take lightly. They are not only a nuisance and can also cause health problems. For business owners, especially restaurants, it can even lead to suspension or closure. That is why it is important to watch out for the signs of infestation such as: 

These are the types of Flies commonly found in Singapore

Types Of Flies

Approximately 120,000 species of true flies exist in north America today. Dipterans typically have straw like sucking mouth parts, and usually feed on plant juices or decaying organic matter.

House Fly

They are a nuisance and hard to rid and can also transport disease-causing organisms. A cluster of fly population not only irritates, it can also impose a public health risk. They have three main body parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head of the adult has deep reddish-eyes and sponging mouthparts.

Fruit Fly

They are yellow-brown in colour, with brick-red eyes and transverse black rings across the abdomen. Typically seen in homes, restaurants and supermarkets in places where food rot. They exist all year round, more active during summer or fall where fruits and vegetables are in season.

Bluebottle Fly

The head and thorax are grey, back of the head has long yellow-orange with abdomen bright metallic blue and black. Females lays her eggs where she feeds, usually into decaying meat, garbage, or faeces.

Flesh Fly

They have grey bodies with three black stripes on the thorax. The abdominal area has a light and dark grey checkered pattern and has red tip. They are well-known to inject larvae into wounds of healthy livestock. This causes intestinal infection to humans that consumes the meat.

Sand Fly

These tiny insects are about 1.5-3.5 mm in length, with a hairy body, large black eyes and long legs. The Female lays around 30 to 70 eggs small batches on moist surfaces like sand in protected areas. Commonly found on the sandy beach with fairly high humidity and organic matter.

Drain Fly

They are tiny approximately 1/5 to 1/6 inch long, fuzzy, dark to greyish in colour. The body and wings mildly covered with hairs. The antennae are long with 13 segments, with each bead-like and having a wool of long hairs. Commonly found in drainage areas such as sink and toilets.

Horse Fly

They have metallic eyes, mouthpart resemble a wedge tool and has dark markings on the wings. The bloodthirsty females can cause serious pests to humans and animals. In groups, they can suck three ounces or more of blood a day from one host. They are carriers of many type pf animal diseases like anthrax and trypanosomiasis.

Phorid Fly

They are typical “hunched back” with small head placed lower front arched thorax. They breed in moist, decaying matter and have been a common problem in homes. Some cases of larvae infestations to humans include eyes, wounds, and intestines.

They can survive in places as long as it has a constant food source. Plenty of ways to prevent and control them do exist. Innovative Pest Control is your best choice to rid and prevent flies problem effectively.


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