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Booklice spread and multiply very fast. Do not wait till the infestation gets worse. Start treatment early.

Learn More About The Booklice

Learn More About Booklice

Booklice are usually consider as primitive insects since they are believe to exist since 295 millions of years ago. Psocoptera are a paraphyletic group of insects known as booklice. Although most infestation are not as common as other pest. In large numbers, they still create an inconvenience and destruction to material and personal items.

Commonly found amongst old books and booklice bite to feed on fungi and the paste used in binding. They do not have preference for a main habitat and survive in places as long as it has high level damp and moist conditions. You can even find these tiny insects in the cracks and crevices of your property walls. Various effective ways to prevent booklice in Singapore and control booklice infested areas are available.

Getting a Professional Pest Control Services is your best bet to rid of your booklice problem permanently.

1 Step 1

Lifecycle, Diet & All

Booklice Characteristic

Learn to Know When you Will Need Booklouse Control Services

Signs of Booklice Infestation

You should not take any kind of pest infestation lightly, even if they are not harmful to humans. Booklice control in Singapore is necessary. If you have a booklice pest problem, they can destroy important documents in your property. And further infestation within your property, it is necessary to seek booklice pest control professional services.

Watch out for these signs:


If you see booklice crawling around residential home and office. Places likes bookshelves, walls, cabinets and opening windows, it is most likely that you have an infestation. Beside feeding on mold from moist and damp places, warm with high humidity or undisturbed places where mould and fungi are grows. Food storage areas for household items like flour or cereal typically area that contain them.


Booklice eggs possess a sticky texture and individuals usually deposit them in damp, moist areas. A common area to find them is usually the kitchen cabinets. They will be able to access food sources like flour, or hide under crumbs or other food residue. Clusters of egg are also a sign of booklice issue and can indicate that they have started breeding in your property

These are the types of Booklouse commonly found in Singapore

Types of Booklouse

You should not take any kind of pest infestation lightly, even if they are not harmful to humans. Booklice control in Singapore is necessary. If you have a booklice pest problem, they can destroy important documents in your property. And further infestation within your property, it is necessary to seek booklice pest control professional services.

Watch out for these signs:

Deathwatch Psocid

Psocids are often mistaken for true lice or booklice, although they have no actual relation to lice. We call a large species of structural importance "deathwatch". Because of its habit for tapping its abdomen on the surface and creating an audible clicking sound. They feed primarily on moulds and fungi, and they thrive in moist environments.

Making them commonly found in books or other items stored in damp conditions. They reproduce quickly, with a female producing an average of 60 eggs in warm weather. The life cycle from egg to adult takes only less than a month.

Grain Psocid

These emerging tiny pests lurks in store products, particularly in dry goods commodities such as grains, stored maize, rice and wheat. In rice containers you may spot them at them bottom feeding on powder like materials.

Wingless Booklouse

These species of booklice are call the wingless booklouse. These wingless insects commonly inhabit indoor spaces. Recognised for their small size and pale colour and mostly in, newspapers, dusty shelve, old books and papers or in cereals.


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