Pest Control
For Pre Move-In

Innovative Pest Management guarantee result in the shortest time possible. Let us help you prevent any pest infestation from happening in your new home.

How To Pest Proof Your New Home Before Moving In

Pre Move-In Pest Control And Inspection

Pre move-in consist of two types of homeowners prior post renovation cleaning process. One who hires professional pest control before or after renovation, and one that does not. Striking off pest control for your new house and professional cleaning services from the checklist seems reasonable. Moving into a new home can be both exciting and extremely challenging.

Apart from getting to know your new neighbour, to getting thorough with cleaning and unpacking boxes. Most will focus on a thorough deep cleaning before moving into their new homes. And fail to notice the importance of pest control services before moving in day. Innovative Pest Services will make sure you get the advice and solution for your new home.

This will prevent you from spending money, having to deal with potential pest infestation problems and re-doing renovations.

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How Can We Help

Pest Control Before Moving Into a New House

Pest Control Pre Move-In Treatment for Landed Properties

Is pest control required for new homes? You may be looking for a bigger home to move into for your growing family. Perhaps looking for a better neighbourhood or be closer to your children school, house pest are out searching too. Pest wants to be safe, secure, warmth, and kitchen with abundance to choose from.

You might be the one fulfilling it for them. Pests will not ask permission to steal a corner in the kitchen to start a nest. You need to protect your home, pest free to sleep peacefully knowing that you have kept bugs at bay.

Pest Control Treatment

Pest Control Pre Move In Treatment for Landed Properties

The pre move-in for landed property will include termite inspection. Two methods to approach, by indoor misting treatment and anti termite corrective treatment.

Indoor Misting Treatment Process

For indoor misting treatment uses a technology. The spray releases into the air at a low pressure, creating a fine mist.

Anti Termite Corrective Treatment Process

We will drill holes through the flooring tiles around the property and inject an anti termite corrective treatment.


We apply residual treatment in the soil around the foundation of your house to protect it from termite attack.

We fight these type of pests problems

  • Cockroach infestation
  • Ants infestation
  • Termite infestation

**Important Note: Must be done after renovation completed**


We apply liquid termiticide to the soil before patching the flooring tiles. This establish a termite-free structure.

We fight these type of pests problems

  • Cockroach infestation
  • Ants infestation
  • Termite infestation

**Important note: Must be done before or midst of renovation**

FAQs for Pre Move-In Pest Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Most homeowners underestimate the risk of a pest infestation. After purchasing a property, it is important to know if there was any pest issue from the previous owner. A termite infestation can potential cost homeowner tens of thousands of dollars to repair for a newly renovated house. And rodent infestation can quickly pose a health hazard.

Common household pests include rodentsantsbed bugscockroaches, fliesmosquitoes, hornets, fleas and ticks. These pests can cause health complication including allergy reactions, asthma, respiratory disease, and mental health phobias. Important to get a professional inspector to thoroughly check the entire property to eradicate the pest problem effectively.

Look for signs of pest activities, pest hiding and breeding sites. Take your time to check for any gaps, cracks and crevices, holes or leaks within the building materials. Look for signs of damages on the doors and windows, kitchen cabinets and sink piping areas.

Yes, because of the number of dengue outbreak that have significantly increase over the last few years. Mosquito control campaign, Do the Mozzie Wipeout at least once a week helps to prevent mosquito breeding.

You can prevent pest issues from happening by doing the following:

Know the Signs of a Pest Infestation

Each pest shows a different signs when they start infesting, so knowing them will give you a head start. Catching it early will also help you prevent the issue from getting worse.

Keep the Surrounding Clean

Regular house cleaning should be maintain to prevent food source attracting unwanted pests.

Hire a Professional Pest Control Company

Innovative Pest Control Specialist are highly trained and years of experience dealing with different types of pests. Equipped with tools and techniques to safely and effectively eliminate pests from your property. With a deep understanding for pest behavioural patterns, we can quickly identify the source of the problem. And plan the most effective solution to solve your infestation problem.

For your peace of mind you should use it as soon as you are settle in your new home. Pests are always around, so it is best to prevent them from invading your home with pest control measures all year round. Do not forget to request for an eco friendly and ask questions for the safety of your family and pets.

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We love to talk about ”Pest” and share our expertise. Let us know what you have encountered for us to assist you further. From getting your F&B Pest Contract to sharing your home with creepy crawlers. There are no Pest issues assign to us, that is too big or too small.

Do not hesitate to call, email or send us a text via our contact form.