You've Got Pest

We've Got Solution

Our Guide To Pest Control Services

Pest Control in Singapore

Pests are problems that no one wants to deal with. With Innovative Pest Management on your side, you do not have to worry anymore. We are the best because of our incomparable knowledge, unique methods, and the advanced tools we use. Our Specialists can solve pest problems and help you regain control of your space with effective and lasting solutions.

Pest Control SG Services

We offer a Common Pest Control Plan (CPC) as well as numerous add-on services for targetted problems. Common Pest Control Services are usually on a monthly-based program. This provide ongoing pest care, inspections, and prevention. We also have an Outdoor Pest Plan (OPP) that specifically targets ants, mosquitoes and rat control.

Add-on services are also available targeting pest such as termites control and rodent control. These pest treatment require specialised equipment, tools or processes to effectively eradicate the pests.ย 

What is Pest Control?

Pest Control is a service that control pest such insects, rodent using the correct methods to remove, manage, and eradicate.

How much does Pest Control normally Cost?

Pest Control Services varies with what type of pest that you are facing. For every pest, they are a wide range of different species.

For example, there are many types of ants that you can find in your home. Only a few type of ants work well with gel baits. It is able to attract ants to control them.

A free inspection helps us determine the specific pest issue you have.

Another rule of thumb is to understand the infestation level. After inspecting, we can determine the number of sessions needed to solve the pest issue.

This will allow us to plan a customize pest program for you.




Tell us all about your pest!!

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We love to talk about โ€Pestโ€ and share our expertise. Let us know what you have encountered for us to assist you further. From getting your F&B Pest Contract to sharing your home with creepy crawlers. There are no Pest issues assign to us, that is too big or too small.

Do not hesitate to call, email or send us a text via our contact form.