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Queen ants can produce 800 eggs a day. Don’t wait till the infestation get worse.


Learn More About Ants

Here in Singapore, there are over 13,800 species of ants out of an estimated total of 22,000 worldwide.  These social insects are often associate with bees and wasps, but not all are able to fly. Their main goal is to find a mate and establish a new large colony. At times, they are mistaken with drywood termites and vice versa.

With around 409 ant species in Singapore, it is not surprising that they have become a source of frustration and concern. Unfortunately, not many are not aware of the threat and risk they are capable to inflict. However, there are various effective ways to address infestations problem.

To prevent them from invading your home, it is important to minimise moisture and standing water in the vicinity. Repair any leaks in pipes, taps, drains, and air conditioner water flow systems. Additionally, keep tree branches and potted plants away from your house as they often use them to gain entry.

A few type of treatment methods available to tackle Singapore ant infestation problem. Getting a Professional Pest Control Services is your best bet to rid of your ants problem permanently.

1 Step 1

Lifecycle, Diet & All

Ant Characteristic

They are social insects that lives in nest colony spread throughout the entire world. The nesting sites can be underground, in mounds, in wood structures, or in your homes. Dirt, soil and plant are usually use to construct their nest.

The Ant Lifecycle

They go through 4 different stages from the eggs to larva, pupae and finally an adult. The larvae are off white in colour and legless, similar to little maggots. They will also undergo repeated moulting as it grows. Eventually, a cocoon will cover the pupae during its metamorphose period to an adult.

The complete process may take from 6 weeks to 2 months and they can live for about 90 days. However, this depends on the species, because some can go for as long as 6 months to a year. The queen can control the sex of her offspring by choosing to fertilise the eggs with sperm.

All the fertilised eggs and pupae are well-nurtured to become the next queen. Worker ants are mostly female and larvae depend entirely on them for care. Winged ants, known as the reproductive, they are capable of flying. Winged male are produced only at certain times of the season from unfertilised eggs, and their sole purpose is to mate.

With most species, the males ants are much smaller than the queens but still possess four wings. Males die shortly after mating, usually within a couple of weeks. This is usually the future queens who will swarm in a large group. The workers also feed the larvae with regurgitated food.

The Ant Anatomy

These creatures are easily recognisable with their narrow waists, bulbous abdomens, and elbowed antennae. They are commonly mistaken for termites, but to differentiate, they have three distinct body segments. The head, thorax, and abdomen and come in various colours such as black, brown, tan, or reddish brown.

The Ant Habitat

Most type of ants in Singapore lives underground, in dead wood, or plant cavities. Commonly found in apartments, particularly infesting kitchens and bathrooms. The kitchen is their prime target as it provides the main food source. They establish sub nests in cracks, crevices, and wall voids, often resulting in multiple sub nests in the kitchen.

The Ant Dietary

They have a remarkably diverse diet, consuming a wide range of food. While some opt for protein-based meals, others prefer carbohydrates. Additionally, most sugar ants have special affinity for sweet food, with honeydew being a central component of their diet. Honeydew is a delightful and sticky secretion produced by aphids.

Learn About The Ant Caste

Ants Colony


The adult queen is the only one that can lay eggs and spend the rest of her life laying eggs. A colony may have one or multiple queens, depending on the species.


The male role is to mate with the queen, and their lifespan is relatively short.


The workers tend to the offspring and rescues the pupae if there is a disturbance in the nest. They are selfless and will sacrifice their own food for the well-being of the colony. Their colony divide labour between workers, queen and male reproductive. The female gathers food, construct, build nest and keep the colony clean.


The colonies has large in size soldiers that protects the queen, defend the colony, gather and kill invaders. They will attack enemies in search for food as well as nesting space and take away eggs of the defeated colony. The new soldier becomes the “slave” for the species of ants and live in their colonies once the egg hatches. 

Learn to Know When you Will Need Ants Control Services

Signs of Ant Infestation

Ants can find their way into your home through various entry points, both from outdoors or brought in. At first, they may appear harmless, crawling around without causing much concern. It does not take long for them to multiply and become a widespread problem. Often catching people attention only when confronted with an infestation.

Leave food unattended on the table for just five minutes, and you'll witness them eagerly feeding on it. When this happens, it becomes evident that you are facing a serious pest issue. However, the kitchen is their preferred nesting ground because of the abundance of food sources. Seeing them frequently in rooms is a clear indication that the nesting indoor colony is expanding.

To prevent them from establishing additional sub-nests. And further accommodating the infestation within your property, it is necessary to seek pest control professional services.

Watch out for these signs:

Ants Trail

Ants lay down pheromone trails that enable others to follow them to any food source and back to their nest. You can see a large number of them working tirelessly to bring the food back to the nest.

Live Presence

Not only in the United States North America, flying ants in Singapore do happens. When queens ants from mature colony are on a mission to establish new colonies. During migration, you can find wings and you need to inspect them to exclude the possibility of flying termites. You will notice a significant increase of active ants roaming around and becomes impossible to leave any food unattended.


You can find them indoors, as they lurk in cracks and crevices within walls. Outdoors, they tend to make nests in small piles of soil or damaged wood, such as the nests of red imported fire ants.


Not all bite but when they do, they can cause allergic reactions. The fire ants painful sting is one of the most common bites that you can encounter being attack in groups. Argentine ants are one of the world’s most problematic species as they are aggressive and territorial.

These are the types of Ants commonly found in Singapore

Types Of Ants

Ghost Ant

They are a common ants species found in homes, known for their diverse diet and ability to explore. They have a particular preference for carbohydrate-based food. And can be effectively manage by using bait for control.

Pharaoh Ants

They are harder to eliminate as most baits do not work well for them. Moreover, they prefer protein based food and are nocturnal commonly found at home. As a result, it is harder to determine the size of their colony.

Crazy Ants

Their defensive technique is among the best. When faced with a threat, they tend to scatter. They also prefer diet consist of high in sugar food similar with odorous house ants, pavement ants, and black ants.

Carpenter Ants

While many people mistake them for wood eating insects, their actual purpose is to burrow into the wood to create a nest. Infestations of carpenter ants can spread rapidly and they often relocate to accommodate their growing colony.

Weaver Ants

They are obligately arboreal, living in trees. They are famous for their nest building behaviour, where workers use larval silk to weave leaves together. Colonies can be massive, with over a hundred nests spread across many trees and housing over half a million workers.


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