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Removing Termites is a job best executed by specialists. The cost of treatment will be well worth it.

Learn to Know When you Will Need Termite Control Services

Signs of Termite Infestation in Singapore

Termite damages impact a high cost, total damages can sum up to billions of dollars. Getting Professional Termite Control Services is the best way to get the infestation solve permanently. Termites are not pest problem that can be effectively resolve overnight with do-it-yourself control measures. If you are living in an area prone to termites infestation, it is important to have regular termite Inspections.

Drywood termites are insects that live deep inside wood and can be rather difficult to detect, let alone eradicate. Subterranean termites are well-known to be the most destructive amongst other termite species. Their harden head, saw-tooth jaw work like shears, able to bite into extremely small fragment of wood, working non stop. Overtime, compromising the safety, causing collapse to the entire building, meaning financial impacting the homeowners and businesses.

1 Step 1

Protect your Home and Businesses

6 Early Warning Signs of Termites Infestation in Singapore

Termite workers can travel the great length of a football field to search for food. If you are facing termite problems nearby to your home. High possibility that the termites are in your walls and any other wooden structures.

If the wood surfaces or door frame structures has multiple small holes. Clearly assaulted with carving knives and coarse to the touch or blistering paint. Those are certainly signs of termite damages, that they have been working that location.

Translucent discarded wings, shed insect wing indicates of a flying termite swarm, those wings can be termite swarm wings. When a termite colony matures, it sends out termite reproductive group. They are also call as alates or termite swarmers, which start new colonies.

They build distinctive tunnels out of small pieced of wood, soil and saliva. Usually referred to as "mud tubes" or "mud trails" to safely reach food sources. It also protects the termite colony from the dehydration at the same time traps moisture to survive.

Termites in doors and windows usually creates hollow sound or faint clicking noises made by the soldier termites. They do this by banging their heads against the wall as an alarm for danger. This echoes through the entire colony to prepare for attack.

Termite droppings are signs of termite in drywall commonly found at the affected wood, often mistaken for saw dust. Workers and soldiers termite are blind and use their straight antennae and chemical signals called pheromones to manoeuvre around.

Regular Inspection for Termites in your Home

Why You Should NEVER Try to Treat a Termite Infestation on Your Own

If you suspect that may have a termite infestation, it needs to be prioritise with a swift solution. This prevent further damages to your property. You may attempt to treat it with do-it-yourself methods or home remedies. But termites especially, are pests that need Professional Pest Control to fully eliminate the entire colony to avoid recurrence.

Not only sourcing to do-it-yourself methods for termite are unlikely to eliminate the entire colony. Badly damage wood structure by termites can be dangerous for your family. Instead, the ultimate choice is always to engage a certified pest control company. With the best knowledge and training necessary to termite infestation problems.

Innovative Pest Management is a certified provider, to not only monitors for termite activity 24/7. We protects your residential home and commercial property against these dangerous pests all year long. Whether your property is currently facing termite problems. Or you want an early prevention with our anti termites treatment, we can help.

Plenty of preventative measures and skill are require when dealing with termite related issues. Ultimately Innovative Pest Control Services is your best bet to rid of termite in Singapore permanently.

Things To Do

Monitor where the faecal pallets come from, provide pictures and have proper identification of the species from our specialist.

Things Not To Do

The mud trails are a clear signs of a subterranean termite Infestation. Refrain from touching it as this could result to the workers to find another route to access to food source.

Ensure to keep the windows and doors close when you see the shed wings. To avoid the swarmers to start a new colony in your premises.

Spraying insecticide or pesticide on the mud trails will not reach the core of the problem and cause a greater problem. A greater recurrence is prone to happen, with worker termite having a stronger resistance to insecticide.

During identifying the pest problem, do not mistaken The alates swarmers for the ants swarmers as matters could escalate. 

Do make sure you stay away from the infest area, as a defence mechanism they will bite. To protect the colony and their nest from harms way.

You can see termite frass or termite pellets (termite droppings) on infected wood. They are more consistent with the same size, colour and shape and commonly mistaken for saw dust.

Refrain from walking on structural damage that may sound hollow.


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