Pest Control For Restaurant,
Bistro, Cafe, Bar and Club

We have a broad knowledge and experience treating food establishments of any size. Reach out to our specialists at Innovative Pest Management today. A One-Stop solution for your food and beverages pest control program.

We Take Care of The Pests, You Take Care of The Business

NEA Certified Specialist F&B Pest Control Contract

When you get a pest control for restaurant contract, food and beverage outlet with Innovative Pest Management. We will focus on what matters to you the most, your business. We will share that responsibility with you and treat your business like our business. As business owners, keeping the property clean is a priority, more so when you own a f&b establishments.

If there is a sighting of pest activities in your establishment, you can get suspend or cancel, tarnishing the brand. Singapore Food Authority needs a yearly report on pest control for food establishments, including rodent, cockroach, and fly control. They will conduct random inspections to ensure food handlers maintain the regulatory food safety and hygiene food process.

Keeping it free of pests is crucially important, especially because you serve food to customer and they trust and have faith your brand. We do not just offer comprehensive pest control services for  residential homes. We also cater to commercial businesses, including food industry business owners in Singapore. We provide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and professional pest control services for cafes, restaurants, bar, bistro and more.

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Popular Pest Control Program For Restaurant, Bistro, Cafe, Bar and Club

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FAQs for Pre Restaurant, Bistro, Cafe, Bar and Club

Frequently Asked Questions

Pest infestation can ruin your reputation and branding. It takes time to build an image, gain trust and credibility. If a health inspector enters your restaurant for an unexpected visit and discovers pests or signs of pests. You are at a potential risk of losing everything you built in just a blink of an eye.

Food safety is an important requirement for f&b, having pests problems means food may be compromise. And contaminated food may result to food poisoning when consumed. This can lead to a long term negative impact towards your business. Our specialists are highly train, overcoming any type of pest infestation problems, from controlling pests to preventing future recurrence.

Our services include:

  • Immediate response to your call
  • Random quality check scheduled to maintain our high standard. We will provide you with the QC report alongside an image attachments, to help understand the pest issue better.
  • FOC follow-up session

Since your trade of business is mainly food, it will attract a lot of common pest like flies, rodents and cockroaches. Because of the abundance of food sources, they will attempt to seek shelter in your establishment. Therefore hiring a restaurant pest control specialist with the proper knowledge about the best treatment solution methods is important.

You can get demerit point or even a suspension from operating your food & beverage outlet. It could potential have a lasting impact on your reputation. You can click here and read more to have a better understanding of the penalty imposed.

For licensing of food & beverage outlets in Singapore, there are many requirements and amongst it, a pest control contract. The National Environment Agency (NEA) requires that you possess a contract with a pest control company. The company should be the one preventing pest from your outlet for the entire duration of your licensing period. NEA requires that the contract report indicating the monthly inspections by the company you engage.

The pest control contract will include common pests report such as flies, cockroaches, rodents control for f&b industries.

Innovative Pest Control Management is a One-Stop solution for pest contract. Our specialists will maintain to upkeep your premises pest free. Reporting from the start date and while operating your food & beverage restaurants or cafes businesses.

In Singapore, it is a legal requirement to secure a pest control for cafe to protect the business. It ensures the cafe is in good hands during the visit from health inspector. Profitable for cafes to use pest control services to avoid customer complains and keeping your reputation prime.

Yes, pest control chemicals are safe when use correctly by a licensed pest control specialists. Engaging a pest service from reputable and qualified pest specialists is important.

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We love to talk about ”Pest” and share our expertise. Let us know what you have encountered for us to assist you further. From getting your F&B Pest Contract to sharing your home with creepy crawlers. There are no Pest issues assign to us, that is too big or too small.

Do not hesitate to call, email or send us a text via our contact form.