SFA Pest Contract FAQs

Please find the licensing requirements here. For more info on how we can help you. Please read through our F&B pest page.

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It is important to contact us as soon as you have got your premise settled. We will take the necessary steps to prevent any pest infestation in your new premise.

Step 1: Complimentary Inspection

During the inspection, we will highlight to you on any opening that you need to be covered to prevent any rodent intrusion, look for potential pest harbourage and we will also explain to you the treatment methods that we will be adopting.

Step 2: SFA Pest Contract

We will give you a non obligation competitive quotation afterwhich if everything is agreeable, we will be able to hand you the pest contract. Apart from that, we will also give you a template for you to use for your cleaning schedule routine that is needed for SFA submission.

Step 3: Treatment before SFA inspection

We will conduct a free treatment at least 2 days before your inspection with SFA.

Step 4: Pest Control Folder

You will receive a pest control folder that consist of our NEA company license, our technicians licenses, all the MSDS of the chemical that we are using.

It is a minimum of once a month pest treatment for the next 12 months. It cover cockroach, rodents and flies treatment.

We do not charge for any call back should there be an intrusion.

We are quite systematic in our treatment. For more info, watch the video below.

YouTube video

Cockroach is one of the most common pest that a F&B owner face. It is also easy to be given demerit points, fines or worst still,  suspension. With us around, we can guarantee you the your cockroach is a problem of the past. As long as a decent amount of housekeeping is maintain, we can assure you the cockroach eradication is possible.


Tell us all about your pest!!

1 Step 1


We would love to hear from you!


We love to talk ” Pest”. Let us know how we can help you. From getting your F&B Pest Contract to sharing your home with creepy crawlers. Let us know. Nothing is too big or small for us.

Don’t hesitate to call us, email us or send us through the contact form.


