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Termites Pest Blog
To kill a termite colony and the queen, termite baiting is consider to be the most reliable method. This approach will crumble the entire colony.
4 Ultimate Reasons Experts Shares about Subterranean Termite Bait System
Why Termite Baiting is More Effective For Subterranean Termite?
We have tried many different ways to treat this specific termite species problem. Some of the termite control methods includes termite spraying liquid termiticide, dusting, foaming and termite baiting systems. Liquid treatment works best for treating drywood termite infestation and termite swarmers, not so much for subterranean termite.ย Various different types of termite species exist and specialists need to know the exact method to tackle infestation.
In Singapore, Coptotermes Gestroi is the most common species of termite responsible for structural damage. To understand why termite baiting is a more effective treatment for Subterranean Termites. You will need to understand their social system and signs of termite activities. Breaking it down will help illustrate the proper way to rid of termites.
All the different group has their own tasks and are structure to keep the colony growing. The four main group consist of the queen, king, workers and soldier. The queen termite lays about 20,000 eggs a day and they do not rest or sleep. Soldier termite protect the colony from predators, defending the colony at all cost.
Worker is responsible to feed the entire termite colony. Without the worker termites bringing the food back, the colony will not be able to survive or expand. The queen is secure in the heart of the nest and to stop the infestation, the baits has to reach the queen. Termite baiting targets the workers to bring the baits to feed the whole colony, especially the queen.
Termites Infestation can Damage to Homes and Buildings
Regular Termite Inspection can Prevent Termite
As we know it, subterranean termites can travel up to 100 metres to look for food. Digging into a termite nest is not advisable as provoking the mud tube tubes can agitate them. Extremely common for termite bites to leave small red bumps on the affected area. Although termite does not bite people, the soldier termite will protect the colony at all cost.
They have reproductive group where there are future king and queen. Once the colony has matured, these reproductive group of flying termites will search for a new colony. The winged termite will look to start a new cycle. The signs of termite swarmer or alates can sometimes detect around the house as they are attract to light.
Reproductive termites are vital for keeping the termite colony viable and successful. If there are no reproductive termites in the colony, the colony will eventually collapse. While all termite colonies must have reproductive termites. The subterranean termites of North America are the most studied and most reported.ย
Bitten by a Termite When Provoke
Termite Treatment Control and Baiting System Solutions
Good news, our pest control company handle all sort of termite control problems. A proactive pest control program for termite is always important to protect homes and businesses. Regular inspections and preventative measures by pest control professional will help protect your property. Anti termite treatment involves forming a liquid barrier around the premises using repellent termiticide.
There have been debates that pest management treatment such as dusting and liquid termiticide works for the subterranean termite. Our termite specialist pest control services evaluate every situation and structure of the subterranean termite to solve the problem. We will custom made every situation according to permanently. Learn more about the type of termite treatment.ย

No Immediate Killing
An active ingredient will be position close to the termite feeding area for workers to bring back to the nest. The slow acting solution gives workers ample of time to travel back to the nest and feed the colony. The bait eventually reaches the queen, the soldiers termites, young nymph and the rest of the colony. The workers will slowly dies effect from the substance, cutting off the food source, killing the termites.
Termite Activity Monitor Station
The baiting station allow us to monitor the termite activity to understand the ratio between the workers and soldiers. The whole colony will collapses when workers do not provide the necessary food supply for the nest. Termite baiting system reviews has been positive and pest control specialist highly recommend this method of approach for solution. Our termite bait stations will monitor active termites activities even when they are the in ground stations.

Attract Termite to the Baits
Termites seek cellulose, an organic fibre found in wood. They do not carry the wood back to the colony, instead, termites bite the wood and break it down to what they need. They are able to digest the cellulose with the help of micro organisms in their guts.
Termite baits enable them to skip this process and get them the cellulose they seek, faster. In a layman term way to explain, someone who is looking to build muscle, eat chicken breast for the protein. However, taking protein shakes also enable them to get their protein. Likewise, the termite will often prefer a convenient way to consume and take the termite baits.
Termites are Social Insects
Termite baiting works perfectly for the natural behaviour and characteristics of most of the termite species. Like all other social insects, termites groom each other and share their food within the colony. Trophallaxis is the transfer of food source or other fluids within the nest colony. With this behaviour, we can safely say that termite baits will be share throughout all the groups in the colony causing a fall.