Defence Against Mosquitoes in Singapore
May 12, 2023Learn More About Aedes Mosquitoes in Singapore
May 19, 2023Mosquitoes Pest Blog
You do not have to choose between effective and ecologically friendly mosquito control. Our eco-friendly methods target adults and mosquito larvae for a permanent solutions.
How to Prevent Mosquito Bites and Breeding
The Expert Guide to Prevent Mosquito Breeding and Bites
Known as the biggest hunters of humankind, mosquitos have killed more people than any other animals in the world. They are the number 1 carrier of mosquito borne diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and chikungunya. Mosquitoes have adapted to almost every kind of water mass situation. Areas that holds water like ponds, puddle water or pools, drainage and water in tree holes, leaves plants, or plastic containers.
An exception for flowing streams and open water of large drainage, rivers, seas and oceans where movement is constant. Although they seem rather active, the pupae and mosquito eggs and larvae do not feed. The male adults mosquitoes feed on nectar solely. Only the females mosquito species require a blood meal to be able to start and lay fertile eggs.
Females require approximately 2 days to digest the blood meal. They then lay a batch of eggs and then seek for another batch of blood meal. The specific time in which bite occurs may sometimes varies with the species. Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes), anopheles mosquito and several type of mosquitoes species will bite only during the daytime.
The aedes aegypti spreader of yellow fever usually comes out to bites during the day and at dawn till dusk. With plenty of pest control companies and ways to prevent mosquitoes Infestation. Ultimately Innovative Pest Management services is the best mosquito control in Singapore to rid of mosquito problems effectively.
How to Prevent Mosquitoes from Entering your Home and Commercial Property
6 Ways to Stop Mosquito Breeding
Eliminate mosquitoes breeding site such as flower pot, pot plants, bird bath, use plastic containers left outdoor and more. Water features or water fountain should always be monitor and regularly inspect. If you still encounter mosquitoes even with regular attempt to regularly maintain and check your premise. You can only avoid mosquito bites if the breeding is stops.
Eliminate stagnant water in rain gutters frequently, old tires, buckets, plastic covers or container where mosquitoes can breed. A puddle of water just 20 cents in size is enough to attract mosquito to begin breeding.
Empty or change water fountains, kids pools, rain barrels, and flowerpot trays every week to destroy potential mosquito habitats. This helps fight against dengue fever and reduce mosquito population.
Having a well-managed water system in your house can help prevent and control mosquito breeding. Besides the rain, the other common water source in our property are from faucets and pipes. Leaky pipes and faucets can collect puddles that mosquitoes are attract to for breeding and need to be maintain.
Change water in vases daily as they can lay their eggs in as little as a bottle cap of water. It might tough to rid of every single source of standing water around the premises. So it is important to know that our specialists are able to provide the help you need.
Mosquitoes and flying insects often take refuge in debris laying around your premises that collects rain water. To prevent aedes mosquito bites you need to firstly take note of their common breeding ground.
Most commonly ignored part of a property is the gutter. They are difficult to access and usually pile up with leaves, dirt and traps water. Clogged gutters can collect water that becomes an ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
Only the Female Mosquitoes Bites to Start Breeding Process
4 Ways to Stop Mosquito Bites
Be aware of the zone alert for dengue and like virus around your neighbourhood and take the extra measure. Vaccines are not available for mosquito borne disease but medicines available for fever, joint pain, vomiting and itch. Symptoms and reactions from a bite may vary for some and do not hesitate to get professional help and blood test.
Use oil of lemon eucalyptus or lemongrass essential oil repellent on loose, long-sleeve shirts and pants to avoid bug bites. The active ingredients and scent can help and get rid of mosquitoes inside the house in confine space.
Mosquito net is one of the most effective defence against mosquito. It prevent and get rid of mosquito in the room, as there will not be any blood meal for them. This will give you the rest you need through the night without worrying of buzzing sounds.
Mosquito traps and mosquito fogging methods have proven to kill mosquitoes outside or outdoors. Mosquito misting is a better alternative to kill mosquito in room or indoors. Contact Innovative Pest Control to find the best solution for your mosquito infestation problem.
Mosquitoes are attract to carbon dioxide and sweat, with the air condition switched on. Cooling your body temperature will help you get the rest you need. Another option is to take a cold shower, it may not completely prevent you from getting bites during the night.
A Number of Mosquitoes Home Remedy are Available
How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites?
Carbon dioxide attracts mosquitoes and when mosquito feeds, it injects saliva into your skin. Your body then reacts to the saliva, resulting in swelling and itching. Reduce the swell by to washing with soap and water then apply calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream or aloe vera.
This can help reduce the itch. Do not scratch the insect bites as this can lead to an infection. Apply essential oil to skin to keep mosquitoes away, it is a natural insect repellent.
An inflamed, itchy, painful swell often referred to as skeeter syndrome is commonly mistaken for a bacterial infection. Skeeter syndrome is result from an allergic reaction as our immune system rejects the proteins in the mosquito saliva. If the itch is a problem, try a non-prescribed, non-sedating antihistamine such as cetirizine. (children's zyrtec allergy, zyrtec allergy)
Rubbing alcohol on mosquito bite “weakens” the proteins from mosquito’s saliva. It clears away the itch and swell that your immune system would normally react to. Rubbing alcohol swab also has a soothing and cooling effect.
Innovative Pest Management Blog
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